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Fotógrafo paulista cria experiência etílica com amigos. Marcos Alberti resolveu juntar algumas paixões em um só projeto. Amigos, fotografia, vinho e boa conversa. “Tem uma frase que diz, a primeira taça é da comida, a segunda é do amor e a terceira é confusão. Queria ver se isso era verdade”, diz Marcos sobre a origem do projeto. 3 TAÇAS DEPOIS surge de uma brincadeira, mas não perde o bom o humor em nenhum momento. A primeira foto sempre era feita assim que os convidados chegavam no estúdio, com o objetivo de retratar o estresse do trânsito ou o cansaço de um dia cheio. Só então começavam os trabalhos. Ao fim de cada taça, um novo clique. Pessoas de várias áreas se reuniram por algumas noites, publicidade, música, arquitetura, moda e arte. Ao fim da terceira taça, muitos sorrisos surgiam, assim como, muitas histórias.




Brazilian photogtapher creates a unique experience among friends. Marcos Alberti decided to put together some of his passions in this project, friends, photography, wine and also a good old talk. There is a saying about wine that I really like and it's something like this “The first glass of wine is all about the food, the second glass is about love and the third glass is about mayhem” I really wanted to see it for myself if that affirmation was in fact true says Marcos about his latest project.

3 Glasses after started as a joke like a game after hours but a serious work with a good humorous vibe ,the first picture was taken right away when our guests have just arrived at the studio in order to capture the stress and the fatigue after a full day after working all day long and from also facing rush hour traffic to get here. Only then fun time and my project could begin. At the end of every glass of wine a snapshot, nothing fancy, a face and a wall, 3 times. People from all walks of life, music, art, fashion, dance, architecture, advertising got together for a couple of nights and by the end of the third glass  several smiles emerged  and many stories were told.

All Rights reserved. 2015 Marcos Alberti. 

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